BORBET Sachseni

No delivery delays after the fire on the premises of the BORBET Sachsen GmbH in Kodersdorf.

Last Friday, the 22.01.2021, a fire broke out on the premises of the BORBET Sachsen GmbH after an explosion in the laquering department. through which a high smoke development  followed.  Fortunately nobody was injured and no pollutional substances became a danger.  The fire became quickly under control due to the professional and quick reaction of the local fire brigade. No delivery delays due to the accident are expected. 

The watchful staff of the laquering department took immediate notice of the smoke and burning smell and lost no time in contacting the local fire brigade. who quickly located the fire source and during the removal of the coverings were able to extinguish the fire.

Due to the excellent performance of the fire brigade, the damage was kept to a minimum. The Manager of the BORBET  Sachsen GmbH, Reiner Dürkop stated that the fire protection concept of the works definitely contributed to this extremely quick and safe transaction.

Up to date the repair and maintenance necessities are in progress at the Kodersdorf works and in short the lacquering department will be running back to normal.